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Sage Cameo Mapper 1.0
Posted on February 22, 2007 by Mastermind
Today sees the release of two new tools (they've been done for a while, I just haven't released them). The first is Sage Cameo Mapper 1.0. This is a complete rewrite of GenCameoMapper, using C# and the .NET Framework 2.0. This means that you will need to have the .NET Framework 2.0 installed. I think the application installer will check that and prompt you to install it, but I'm not entirely sure. You can find the installer package here. You may receive a warning that the publisher cannot be verified, which is normal, since the binary is not signed by Microsoft. You can feel free to install it if you trust me (The URL listed is for Mastermind Development which is my personal development "firm").
The second project is the Sage Command Set Validator, or Sage CSV. It is another C# application (I think) that will check to ensure that all buttons referenced in the command sets are valid. This can be a source of annoying errors, and somewhat difficult to track (at least I remember it being a hassle). You choose the location of the Command Set file, and it will automatically load the Command Button file from the same location. It will then point out any errors, which you can fix in the big pane (I don't have the INI files handy to test myself, so I'm going on memory...). You can grab the executable in a zip file here. Just extract and double click to run.
Both of these are technically beta, and I don't have any plans to support Sage CSV. I know a couple people have found it useful, so I'm releasing it, but I make no guarantees that it won't destroy your command set or command button file, or if it is compatible with anything other than Generals and Zero Hour. Happy Testing!
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GenCameoMapper 3 Updates
Posted on July 27, 2005 by Mastermind
Production is progressing very rapidly. This post is to ask for a small number of beta testers for a short closed beta test. I think it's about ready for release, but I want a few other people who aren't me to play with it and try to break it. If you're interested, please contact me on the forums or through e-mail. My e-mail is mastermind2004[at]gm[nospam]ail[dot]com.
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GenCameoMapper 3
Posted on July 27, 2005 by Mastermind
Like a thief in the night, a new version of GenCameoMapper is trying to sneak in. This one is 3.0, and includes some improvements that I've been thinking about for a while. Details are still sketchy, but it has been confirmed that there will be a nice little box showing you the area you have mapped out. It can even be customized in your choice of colors. Mapping multiple files in one session should also finally be possible. And, for those of you that like pretty pictures, here are a couple in development shots of the tool in action. Thanks to Vietnam Reborn for "letting" me use their cameos as an example.
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Site Update
Posted on May 23, 2005 by Mastermind
After a botched backup, with no backup of the GenDev databases, I'm going to give up, and admit that the downloads are broken beyond repair. I'll be finding something new to do download management for me pretty soon, so you can get back to getting your files. Until then, you'll have to look elsewhere.
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GenCameoMapper 2.5
Posted on February 17, 2005 by Mastermind
Well, it's been a while since I've done anything for the Dev half of GenDev, so today I'm happy to announce the latest GenDev project. I'm currently working on developing GenCameoMapper 2.5. This will bring a few neat new features, including a bounding box showing the currently mapped section of an image. As I have just started development on this evolution of GenCameoMapper, I am still open to feature suggestions. Feel free to use our forums to suggest things you would like to see in version 2.5 of GenCameoMapper.
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